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Plan Marketing - Agency of Santa Maria is in action with Wii Gyms

At the invitation of the Agency Synapse, Cris Cavasotto participates as a marketing consultant in action.

Cris will be demonstrating how to use Wii Fit with the public of the Academies of Santa Maria.

Name of Action - Marathon Sales Praxis.

"Our goal is to make people understand that the game simulates the movements of the sport almost real. I have not external impact (use of rackets, balls, weights) for domestic impacts in joints, where the ligaments may be affected. This is because the motivation that the game takes to make sudden movements quickly, without having an external factor which is limiting the braking movement.

For example, give a punch to the air box is different to a punch in the glove box with bag of shots. The bag, brakes the movement. "

Taken care to heat and stretch before and after exercise, the game is excellent adjuvant in the fight against inactivity.

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