Hérnia de Disco entenda o que fazer!
Existem várias classificações mas, iremos abordar a mais clássica que classifica a hérnia em 3 tipos:
1 - Hérnia de disco protusa
Há envolvimento apenas do anel fibroso , que migra posteriormente ocasionando compressão e dor.
Tratamento: é conservador com antiinflamatórios, relaxantes musculares, eventualmente colete lombosacral e fisioterapia.
2 - Hérnia de disco extrusa
O anel fibroso e núcleo pulposo, que migram posteriormente, ocasionando uma compressão intensa, com dor mais epicrítica e prolongada .
Tratamento: também consevador com antiinflamatórios, relaxantes musculares, colete lombosacral e fisioterapia. Eventualmente se estas modalidades não provocarem melhora dos sintomas, há indicação cirúrgica para melhora simtomática, porém são reservados apenas 5% a 10% dos casos.
3 - Hérnia de disco seqüestrada
Há rompimento deste disco e este material rompido, migra para dentro do canal medular, que além da compressão provoca inflamação importante e compressão contínua, o paciente apresenta posição antialgica inclinando a coluna vertebral. Neste caso a melhora só é possível com procedimento cirúrgico e representam a minoria das hérnias.
Porém o que é muito importante nesses casos é a classificação preconizada por Cyriax em: HÉRNIA DE DISCO ANULAR E HÉRNIA DE DISCO NUCLEAR.
Dependendo da anamnese e avaliação o tratamento direcionará para uma fisioterapia de abordagem manual, no tratamento para hérnia de disco aguda do tipo anular, para paciente de primeiro episódio que nunca tiveram sintomatologia lombar ou ciática, podem ser realizados de forma mais agressivas dentro dos limites dolorosos.
Já a hérnia nuclear, ocorre de forma gradativa, e o tratamento deverá seguir um critério lento, não tão agressivo.
Dependendo da anamnese e avaliação o tratamento direcionará para uma fisioterapia de abordagem manual, no tratamento para hérnia de disco aguda do tipo anular, para paciente de primeiro episódio que nunca tiveram sintomatologia lombar ou ciática, podem ser realizados de forma mais agressivas dentro dos limites dolorosos.
Já a hérnia nuclear, ocorre de forma gradativa, e o tratamento deverá seguir um critério lento, não tão agressivo.
São recomendados, com moderação, após o tratamento fisioterápico e quando a dor aguda houver diminuído. Sempre acompanhado de profissional habilitado.
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Hernia of Disk understands what to do!
Several classifications exist but, we will approach the most classic that it classifies the hernia in 3 types:
1 - hernia of disk protusa
There is involvement just of the fibrous ring, that it migrates causing compression and pain later.
Treatment: it is conservative with anti-inflammatories, relaxing muscular, eventually collect lombosacral and physiotherapy.
2 - hernia of disk extrusa
The fibrous ring and nucleus pulposo, that migrate later, causing an intense compression, with pain more epicrítica and lingering.
Treatment: also consevador with anti-inflammatories, relaxing muscular, collect lombosacral and physiotherapy. Eventually if these modalities don't provoke improvement of the symptoms, there is surgical indication for improvement simtomática, however only 5% to 10% of the cases are reserved.
3 - disk hernia kidnapped
There are breaking of this disk and east broken material, it migrates inside of the channel medular, that provokes important inflammation and continuous compression, the patient besides the compression presents position antialgica tilting the spine. In this case the improvement is only possible with surgical procedure and they represent the minority of the hernias.
However what is very important in those cases is the classification extolled by Cyriax in: HERNIA OF RING DISK AND HERNIA OF NUCLEAR DISK.
Depending on the anamnesis and evaluation the treatment will address for a physiotherapy of manual approach, in the treatment for sharp disk hernia of the ring type, for patient of first episode that never had sintomatologia lumbar or sciatic, they can be accomplished in a more aggressive way inside of the painful limits.
Already the nuclear hernia, happens in a gradual way, and the treatment should follow a slow criterion, no so aggressive.
They are recommended, with moderation, after the physiotherapeutic treatment and when the sharp pain has decreased. Always accompanied of qualified professional.
1 - hernia of disk protusa
There is involvement just of the fibrous ring, that it migrates causing compression and pain later.
Treatment: it is conservative with anti-inflammatories, relaxing muscular, eventually collect lombosacral and physiotherapy.
2 - hernia of disk extrusa
The fibrous ring and nucleus pulposo, that migrate later, causing an intense compression, with pain more epicrítica and lingering.
Treatment: also consevador with anti-inflammatories, relaxing muscular, collect lombosacral and physiotherapy. Eventually if these modalities don't provoke improvement of the symptoms, there is surgical indication for improvement simtomática, however only 5% to 10% of the cases are reserved.
3 - disk hernia kidnapped
There are breaking of this disk and east broken material, it migrates inside of the channel medular, that provokes important inflammation and continuous compression, the patient besides the compression presents position antialgica tilting the spine. In this case the improvement is only possible with surgical procedure and they represent the minority of the hernias.
However what is very important in those cases is the classification extolled by Cyriax in: HERNIA OF RING DISK AND HERNIA OF NUCLEAR DISK.
Depending on the anamnesis and evaluation the treatment will address for a physiotherapy of manual approach, in the treatment for sharp disk hernia of the ring type, for patient of first episode that never had sintomatologia lumbar or sciatic, they can be accomplished in a more aggressive way inside of the painful limits.
Already the nuclear hernia, happens in a gradual way, and the treatment should follow a slow criterion, no so aggressive.
They are recommended, with moderation, after the physiotherapeutic treatment and when the sharp pain has decreased. Always accompanied of qualified professional.
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